About Us


Two bestfriends who are born-entrepreneurs who learnt through the thick and thin dark forest of entrepreneurship how to solve problems effectively, deliver your wants and make you experience satisfaction. Resilience, focus and determination has been our watchword from elementary schools paving way for us to achieve the impossible. Like a young energetic bull, we built on both our successes and failures to improve and deliver the best.


Our unique and excellent entrepreneurship records dates back to delivering grade-A shoes to our clients both online and offline. The desire to match convenience and quality inspired us to dive into the food industry as well where we have made giant strides.  

We partner top-rated grocery stores in preparing delicious meals made from the freshest ingredients. With consistency, keeping the food at premium standard, and top-class consumers satisfaction where we scaled up from a food cart to a food truck business.

And now, we brought our brand new sunglasses known as Spook shades for you to try them on your pretty face. Spook shades are carefully selected and branded sunglasses that not only protect your eye from sun radiation but also makes you fashionable and stand-out from the crowd no matter where you are.

